ross cancer

Ross University Last Updated: Apr 21, 2010 - 2:49:27 PM (VIDEO) Grand Bahama physicians speak at Ross University Pathology Conference By The Bahamas Weekly News Team Apr 21, 2010 - 1:49:53 PM Email this article Printer friendly page Freeport, Grand Bahama Island - On March 22nd Ross University Bahamas Clinical Site held a Pathology Conference on Tumor Immunology. The event was presented by the student Pathology Club and was sponsored by the Osler Society. Local physicians Dr. John Clement and Dr. Kevin Bethel from the Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic were guest speakers at the event. The IAT Clinic has been open in Freeport for 33 years and it is licensed for the experimental treatment of cancer. The following is from the IAT website: Lawrence Burton Ph.D. opened the IAT Clinic in Freeport after his many years of successful research therapy in the USA on the immune systems of hundreds of terminally ill cancer clients. With the establishment of the IAT in the Bahamas, Dr. Burton was able to further refine his treatments with the use of isolates serum cytokines and immune directive proteins from healthy people to help improve the immune system in people with cancer. Our objective at the IAT Centre is to not only restore function to your immune system but to identify any loss of function you may have in any system, and direct you to restorative and regenerative therapies for that system. You are only as healthy as your least functional system in your body. We also rely on cancer vaccines to stimulate a patients own immune system to recognize and destroy tumor cells In this video you will hear from both Dr. Kevin Bethel and Dr. John Clement, as well as a short portion of each of the student speakers. Dr. Clement says, "In the past ten years there has been no major advance by any drug company in the treatment of cancer. We've stopped. The drug companies now are loaded up with money and the next big financial disaster is going to be with the drug companies ... Until the youth, who are now emerging from Ross and other places, we've got to get to work and start discovering new advances in medicine, because the drug companies have stopped." This has been a wonderfully informative and enjoyable Tumor Immunology Conference which the pathology Club organized. The club members presented current research about specific areas of immune system action against cancer which was informative for all of us who attended. The conference gave the students practice in presenting medical information to colleagues and professorsthis is excellent preparation for their clinical clerkship experiences which will start in the coming months. The Ross community was fortunate also to have Drs. Clement and Bethel from IAT as guest speakers, since their work is pioneering in area, said Dr. Harriet Myers, Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences. "We often associate tumor or cancer with chemotherapy and radiation and their side effects. Rarely do we stop to think about how cancer is not normal and our bodies are designed to fight against anything abnormal. Many researchers have focused on this idea of assisting our own bodies to fight against cancer. Some even put these ideas to practical use. It was great to have Dr. Clement , the medical director at IAT share with us their research and work along with Dr. Bethel, " said Ross student, Jennifer Lee who led the organization of the conference, and was also a speaker herself. Dr. Michael Yakubovskky, Professor of Pathology at Ross University said, "In my opinion we had a breakthrough event here because we established bridges between our Ross community and the Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic. Dr. Bethel presented the newest and freshest data in one type of immune therapy in cancer patients. We will continue our collaboration with local researchers and physicians and our students will benefit; and we may be able to contribute to the development of the local and medical scientific community in The Bahamas too." Other Ross students speaking at the event were Jessica Porter, Daniel Urias, Kambiz Nasir, Trecia Henriques, Greta Jones, and Utibe Ekong. See a related article with Photos of the event. The following is a list of topics presented: Introduction: Dr. Michael Robinson, Dean, Bahamas Clinical Site Tumor Antigens: Jessica Porter, Semester 4 Student T-Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity & Role of MHC Against Tumors: Jennifer Lee, Semester 4 Student Natural Killer Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity: Daniel Urias, Semester 4 Student Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity & Complement-mediated Cytotoxicity: Kambiz Nasir, Semester 4 Student Neoplastic Growth in Immunosuppressed Patients: Trecia Henriques, Semester 4 Students Neoplastic Growth in Immuniologic Cytotoxicity: Greta Joesn, Semester 4 Student Immune Stimulation of Neoplastic Growth & Immunomodulators in Cancer Treatment: Utibe Ekong, Semester 4 Student Immune Augmented Therapy: Invited Speaker, Dr John Clement, Immunology Augmentation Therapy Clinic, Freeport, GBI Anti-aging and cancer therapy: Invited Speaker, Dr. Kevin Bethel, Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic, Freeport, GBI. Learn more about the Immune Augmentation Center HERE Information on Lawrence Burton Ph.D. opened the IAT Clinic in Freeport after his many years of successful research therapy in the USA Ross University was founded in 1978 and is a provider of medical and veterinary education offering doctor of medicine and doctor of veterinary medicine degree programs. The School of Medicine is located in Dominica, West Indies, and the Freeport, Grand Bahama campus recently opened in January 2009. The School of Veterinary Medicine is located in St. Kitts. Ross University's administrative offices are located in North Brunswick, NJ. Ross University has more than 9,000 alumni with M.D. and D.V.M. degrees.

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