Agonistes - 'Colors of Paradise' by Chantal Bethel

Agonistes, the video, is part of Colors of Paradise, a video collage of hope honoring the full spectrum of nature and life, and represents the storm of life. It was created in collaboration with digital media artist, Dave Mackey and author Marion Bethel; the video was produced by Mackey Media ltd over a 4 year period. During the original screening of this production, numerous persons had tears streaming down their faces. Be sure to view it and be moved. Agonistes, the interactive installation portrayed the emotional aftermath of surviving the physical destruction of the island of Grand Bahama by hurricanes in 2004-2005. The evocative use of shingles, weathered wood, and suspended ghostly figures serve as a reminder of how displaced people were after the storms,as well as the symbols of faith in which strength in unity is found. Agonistes music was composed and produced by by Dave Mackey

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