The 4th Annual FREE Grand Bahama Health Expo - March 29th

Grand Bahama Island - The entire community is invited out to the 4th Annual Grand Bahama Health Expo at the Shiloh SDA church grounds on Sunday, March 29th from 11:30am to 6pm.

Shiloh SDA Church Health Department is joining with Ross University School of Medicine under the theme, "Your Health and You".  There will be something for the entire family, and it is a FREE expo!

In this video you will hear from Dr. McMillan from Shiloh, SDA; Timothy Yu, medical student and Vice President of Ross University Student Government Association; Dan Lowe, an elder of Shiloh SDA: and Aaron James, a student of Ross University Medical School; and Alexis Bell, Health Ministries Director at Shiloh Church.

Keynote speaker Mrs. Sharon Williams, Hospital Administrator of the Rand Hospital and  guest speakers Dr. Tamara Burke-Moree and Dr. Alvira Higgs.

Vegetarian dishes, Blood pressure screening, Blood glucose screening, Dental exams, Kids Corner, Eye & Ear testing, Cholesterol testing, Weight and health assessments...

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